(February 1st, 2025) fankle dankle linkyton, smnanklepankle tingyton! hello there. i am Misto Fankodankotangleton. i am the individual that knows everything about the fankleston lore. there is the people of the fanklestons, the fankleston city, the fankleston culture, and fankleston et cetera. if you have entered here from a link named "fanklelore", you are at the right place to read the story of the fanklestons. there is 83 gazillion pieces of lore of the fanklestons. that is a very huge number. if you want to know who i am, stay tuned; or right click and inspect element this page and go to the sources and you can see that i am the person next to the name of "Elderfankle" of the name of the GIF.
get outta here